Mat (optional)
Hand Weights (optional)
Start with a 3 min warm up
Jumping Jacks
The Circuit
High Knees-30 Reps
Butt Kicks-30 Reps
Reverse Lunge (Left side 15 Reps then Right side 15 Reps)
Optional:To increase difficulty add hand weights hold at sides
Plank Jacks-30 Reps
Frog Jumps-30 Reps
Repeat this 1-6x depending on the fitness level, By increasing the duration(#of circuits) you will improve your endurance and increase your Vo2max and general fitness.
This is often forgotten or neglected it is key to realigning the protein in the muscle fibres and to prevent imbalances from forming because of tight muscles.
Do one stretch for each large muscle group, or any additional stretches to help any muscles that seem to feel tight.
TIP: Always stretch, not only when you feel tight!
Make the goal to complete one circuit through completely with no breaks and at your highest intensity. When you have accomplished this move onto 2 and so forth.
Keep a record of time taken to complete, try to beat this the next time you try the workout.