I came across this article today and at the perfect timing just as my next race is around the corner.
You know you've trained you know your splits. You've stuck to the program done your tempo runs, speed and long runs but still somewhere in the brain you hear that little voice saying "are you really prepared?"
This is not my first race so you think knowing that, it would be easier but in fact I think it's the opposite. I tend to put more pressure on myself wanting to improve results equally each time I go out. I don't know about you but I play the mind games you have too. Talking the fears away, it is just part of being a runner. It never seems to go away some days are good some days are bad. All depends on how our body is feeling. Is it well rested and properly fueled, what kind if mood are you in? Sometimes you feel like running and sometimes you don't. I feel a runner is someone that gets up and runs no matter how they feel.
Here's a link to the article, I highly suggest you read. It may just be the tip you need to push beyond those mental barriers.
Love Life & Live it.